
CV updated April, 2024

General Information

Full Name Kaitlynn Lilly


  • 2022-Present
    University of Washington, Seattle, WA
    • PhD Candidate in Applied Math
    • Advised by Tom Trogdon
  • 2022-2023
    University of Washington, Seattle, WA
    • MS in Applied Mathematics
  • 2018-2022
    University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD
    • BS in Mathematics and Physics


  • 2022-Present
    Graduate Student Researcher
    University of Washington
    • I develop methods to approximate solutions to partial differential equations.
  • 2022
    Radio Frequency Engineer
    Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
    • Created and implemented a model and simulation of very low frequency gravity waves in Python
    • Developed a Python script to implement an extended Hamming linear feedback shift register encoder and decoder
    • Optimized mainenance schedules for VLF transmitters

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • NSF Graduate Research Fellow
    • Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Scholar
    • PHi Beta Kappa Honor Society
  • 2021
    • Barry M. Goldwater Scholar
    • Ronald M. Shapiro Excellence in Mentoring Award
    • Freeman A. Hrabowski President's Advisory Council Scholarship Award
    • Poster session honorable mention at JMM
  • 2020
    • First prize physics oral presentation at Emerging Researchers National Conference
    • Poster session honorable mention at UMD-NIST Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
  • 2018
    • Meyerhoff Scholar, M30 Cohort

Other Interests

  • Aerial yoga
  • Snowboarding
  • My cat, Dingus